1 lb ground beef
1/2 Large onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, diced
1 Tbsp black pepper
1 Tsp salt
1 Tsp oregano
2 Tsp chili powder
1/4 Tsp cayenne pepper
3 cups of water*
Pinch of cilantro
Sauce pan
*You need the water to completely cover the ground beef in the pan. If you have a smaller pan, you will probably need less water… a bigger pan, you’ll need more. But I find that somewhere between 2-3 cups of water is about right for a small-to-medium sized sauce pan.
Step 1: Dice onions and Garlic
Step 2: Place ground beef, onions, and garlic in the pan
Step 3: Cover with water
Step 4: Add spices
Step 5: Mash up the mixture in the water until all of the beef is broken up and the herbs are well-mixed.
Step 6: Cover the pan and turn the burner on to medium heat. Let it cook (bringing it to a boil) for about 25 minutes.
Step 7: After 25 minutes–or so–the beef should be cooked through. Remove the lid from the pot and let the beef continue to cook at medium heat. (I usually use the other half of the onion to make a pico de gallo, so when I am through with that, I throw in a little minced cilantro, as well. This is only optional)
Step 8: Allow the beef to cook until most of the liquid has cooked down or evaporated (at least an hour)
Step 9: Drain off the excess fat and serve.