Country Cabbage Rolls

Country Cabbage Rolls

White cabbage is a necessary ingredient in many dishes. In the first fragrant soups, in the second – juicy cabbage rolls, well, for dessert – a lush pie with cabbage. In any case, without a white diet, our diet would be poorer

° Cabbage: head (large)

° Ground meat: 700 gm

° rice: a cup (short grain / soaked in warm and filtered water)

Water: a cup and a quarter

° Onions: 1 piece (chopped)

° Parsley: 2 tablespoons (fresh and chopped)

° Salt: 1 teaspoon

° Black pepper: a quarter of a teaspoon


° Turmeric: a quarter of a teaspoon

° Cumin: 1/4 teaspoon (ground)

° Water: 3 cups

° Garlic: 4 cloves (crushed)

How to prepare :


Gently separate the cabbage leaves from each other, and cut each large leaf from them in half, then put them all in a pot of boiling water, for a period of 5 minutes.

Drain the leaves from the water, and gently remove the large ribs.

To prepare the filling: Mix the meat, rice, water, onion, parsley and garlic. Sprinkle turmeric, salt, cumin and black pepper.

Spread the cabbage leaves, put a little rice filling on the large end of them, then fold the sides inwards, and roll them.

Line up the cabbage ribs that you discarded earlier, at the bottom of the cooking pot, then line the cabbage rolls on top. Pour the water over it, put a heavy plate on it, then cover the bowl for 45 minutes, and over low heat for an additional 25 minutes.

Serve hot with a pinch of lemon juice.

