Serves 3-4
3 Chicken Breasts
1 pint milk at room temperature
50g Butter
50g Plain flour
100g Broccoli
40g Parmesan
25g Normal cheddar
1 Glass dry white wine
1/2 tsp dried sage
9-12 Dried Lasagne sheets
2 cloves garlic
1 Large Shallot S&P To taste
1) Place milk, wine, shallot (whole) and the garlic (also whole) and bring to the boil, reduce to a simmer and add the chicken breasts, simmer for 10-15 mins until cooked through. Then pre-heat oven to 180o
2) Remove chicken and slice into 1/2 cm slices, keep warm
3) Remove the garlic and shallots and mash/ slice thinly (they should fall apart easily)
4) Melt the butter, add flour and mix well, slowly stir in the milk (from the chicken, you may need a drop more depending on how big chicken pieces are) and bring to the boil, reduce heat and keep whisking until thick and gooey like, add 3/4 both cheeses
5) Either boil/ microwave/ steam the brocoli until al dente (about 6 mins)
6) Line a suitable tin/ dish with the lasagne sheets
7) Mix the brocoli, chicken, garlic, shallot & sage into the sauce, season to taste
8) Pour over the lasagne sheets and repeat with each layer until used up
9) For the last layer, place lasgane sheets over and use the last of the sauce or press down until sauce bubbles over (be careful!), top with remaining cheese
10) Cook in the middle of the oven for aprx 35 mins or cooked through and goldeny brown all over
Really is yummy and get good feed back even from fussier persons!